Like many anglers fishing the Amazon this year, the fly rodders destined for the Rio Mari? have been met with higher than normal water, but that sure isn't reflected in the results. 44 fly fishermen in those six weeks have landed an amazing number of trophy temensis:
124 fish over 10 pounds were caught and released in those 6 weeks. 56 of those were over 15 pounds, and 42 trophies over 20 pounds. Included in that tally is one amazing (93 cm.) fish that tipped the scales at 28.5 pounds and rates as the largest peacock ever landed on a fly rod!
Not only a being a giant peacock bass game, anglers in Rio Mari? landed in total 1387 fish in 6 weeks.
It is just the 3rd season of government and native authorized operation on the river and the guides continue to learn more about the fishery each week. They report the discovery of new lagoons on nearly every trip and this is the first season that much of almost 300 miles of the Mari? tributaries have been explored.
The mobility of their luxury mothership and access to those more stable tributaries have been credited as the solution to the unseasonable water levels that have plagued many of the other Rio Negro Basin fisheries in September and October.
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