Weather: We had a mostly sunny week.
Temperatures between: 29ºC and 36ºC
River Conditions: Water level is still dropping.
Fishing Summary: This week we hosted a Medic group coming from the USA. This group travels all over the world while taking medicine lectures. This time they ended up at the Marié River for a great week of fishing. The water level has actually been super low, maybe in the lowest level we ever experienced for October month, but that means new and great opportunity ways of fishing with lots of sight fishing and stalking big peacocks in the sand bars
Fishing Stats:
Group: 12 anglers
Butterflies Caught: 425
Temensis Caught: 78
Temensis Over 10lbs: 18
Temensis Over 15lbs: 14
Temensis Over 20lbs: 2
Temensis Over 80cm length: 9
Highlights of the week:
Hector Pope has been dreaming of fishing in the Marié River for the past 2 years. About 6 months before the trip he was already training his casting skills. Of course all that effort paid in the end. On the last day of the week, Hector caught his dreamed and well deserved 20lb Peacock Bass of the Rio Marié! Congratulations, Hector!!
Rafael Marques and The Marié Guides!