Rio Marié 2023 Season Fishing Report | Week 08 October 15 to 22

Weather: We had a mostly sunny week but with a couple rainy days.

Temperatures between: 25ºC and 37 ºC

River Conditions: Finally we had some rain, and water rose 30cm, which was great!

Fishing Summary: With the water flowing back in the lagoons, some of the fish already started to move back to their usual spots. Intermediate and Floating lines were still the best option with the current water level.


Fishing Stats:

Group: 12 anglers

Butterflies Caught: 252

Temensis Caught: 37

Temensis Over 10lbs: 14

Temensis Over 15lbs: 5

Temensis Over 20lbs: 1

Temensis Over 80cm length: 4


Highlights of the week:

Jerry Saltzberger is an 87 years old angler who came here with a mission: Catching a Monster Peacock Bass. Jerry knew that the Marié River was the best place to do it. And, of course, he was right! After a fierce fight, he knew that he had made the right choice in coming to this river as he was then in his hands the trophy 20lbs Peacock Bass!! Mission accomplished Jerry!  But it's not over yet. Now Jerry is already set for a new objective: The Giant Arapaima at the Pirarucu Lodge! Good Luck over there, Jerry!

Rafael Marques and The Marié Guides.

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